Obviously, nobody's going to do it for me, so I have to do it myself. — Carla Bley
So, why did I start this page? Well, I was kind of bored in late 2024, I wanted to try out creating subdomains to my main website. Partially, I also felt the need to write more in English, which is not my native language. I am not completely sure of my objectives with this. I can say, however, that I do approve of experimentation and trying creative projects out. I cannot promise I will write too much here, but I'll try to not be as verbose as I usually am except when absolutely necessary.

I cannot try to convince anyone to actually read my stuff, though. I am perfectly aware that I have not achieved too much, and maybe precisely because of that incongruity between what I have achieved and what I consider to be my abilities I am writing this. I cannot promise good writing, but maybe — just maybe! — I can provoke your ideas a little bit.
If I ever write something that might offend your senses, have in mind that I am not a provocateur and I don't think of myself as particularly combative, though I do enjoy some light-hearted humor when discussing ideas. Do not feel too much about me from what I write, I'm not trying to do anything other than just talk about some stuff that might have passed through my mind at some point. Come on, can you even take me too seriously?